Gib Brown Memorial CPE Trial, May 11-12, 2019
At our annual May CPE trial we fondly remembered our good friend Gib Brown who encouraged us always to “Have fun out there!” In that spirit, we took the time Saturday to celebrate our older dogs who are still enjoying the sport. Our “Double Digit” dogs ranged in age from 10 to 15 years old! Each team received a custom dog tag that read “Double Digit Dogs Still Rockin’ It!”

Standing: Susan Rapillus and Eis, 11 1/2, Christine Johnson and Spy, 11 1/2, Mary Phoenix and Gardener, 15, Bill Bamford and Nova, 11, Terri Upham and Pip, 11, Mary Palumbo and Winston, 11, Nicole Dupre and Girlie, 11
Kneeling: Kris Backus and Fudge, 14.9 years old, Chris Anderson and Emma, 13, Wendy Johansen and Loki, 10 1/2, Leslie McCulloch and Taylor, 10, Shelley Munn and Kate, 10.
And there was cake!